📄️ Storing and using cards
This guide explains the different ways in which we can store a card (tokenize it) and in which ways we can later retrieve and use it.
📄️ Subscriptions
Paylands offers the possibility to make recurring payments through subscriptions.
📄️ Customize templates
In Paylands we offer the possibility to customize the templates for the different payment methods that are shown to customers during the checkout process.
📄️ 3DS
📄️ Card tokenization SDK
The Paylands tokenization SDK is a Javascript library that allows to store customer cards using a form contained in an iframe within the Paylands domain.
📄️ Obtener balance de cuentas
Some payment services allow merchants to check their available balance at any moment. This can be done using both API and control panel.
📄️ Debt Collector
Debt collector links allow you to easily create a payment experience where your customers can check and settle their debt with your business, either in a single payment or in multiple payments through the same link.