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Credit fund transfer (CFT)

Credorax allows you to transfer money from the merchant to the user via a credit to card, also known as Credit Fund Transfer or CFT. This payment method is available for both Visa and Mastercard cards.

First of all, it is necessary to generate the payment order. It is important that the operation is PAYOUT and to set the field secure: false. The rest of the data will vary depending on your integration. In addition to the usual fields, some additional user data must be indicated, which are the following: name, surname, email and phone number.

Example of payment order generation request (POST /payment)
"signature": "341f7de8e6fc49da8d8736473af6b03a",
"amount": 1245,
"operative": "PAYOUT",
"secure": false,
"customer_ext_id": "test",
"service": "9A1BDCC8-DB30-4ED2-8523-62B330A67873",
"description": "Ejemplo CFT",
"url_post": "",
"extra_data": {
"profile": {
"first_name": "Nombre",
"last_name": "Apellidos",
"email": "",
"phone": {
"number": "600999999",
"prefix": "34"

Secondly, the card fund transfer must be made, indicating the UUID of the order just generated and the UUID of the user's card. It is recommended that to avoid possible rejections the card has had at least one successful payment.

Example of the card fund transfer request (POST /payment/payout)
"signature": "121149a0ba5361191d740fa898784a8b",
"order_uuid": "1F405EA3-9798-42A6-9E87-BD347EF67F55",
"source_uuid": "C10721E7-1404-45DC-8762-351DD9945D1D",
"customer_ip": ""

Once this is done, we will immediately receive a response with the result of the payment, which can be accepted or rejected. Additionally, the payment notification will be sent to the url_post indicated when generating the payment order.

NOTE: The transfer of funds is final, it is not possible to reverse a credit to a card. Funds may take a few days to reach the recipient, depending on your bank.

Example of a successful response
"message": "OK",
"code": 200,
"current_time": "2023-05-24T17:10:03+0200",
"order": {
"uuid": "77178805-0287-4046-8B9F-03CDE7CAD815",
"created": "2023-05-24T17:09:53+0200",
"created_from_client_timezone": "2023-05-24T18:09:53+0300",
"amount": 1245,
"currency": "978",
"paid": true,
"status": "SUCCESS",
"safe": false,
"refunded": 0,
"additional": "any data",
"service": "CREDORAX",
"service_uuid": "9A1BDCC8-DB30-4ED2-8523-62B330A67873",
"customer": "test",
"cof_txnid": null,
"transactions": [
"uuid": "BE57A5F5-5A92-4960-AC31-40CD2F28FADF",
"created": "2023-05-24T17:09:59+0200",
"created_from_client_timezone": "2023-05-24T18:09:59+0300",
"operative": "PAYOUT",
"amount": 1245,
"authorization": "506720",
"processor_id": "XZZ0159a74f89e5a77ADXRCXMDSGRGLN",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"error": "NONE",
"source": {
"object": "CARD",
"uuid": "BDC62AC8-AF22-4D4A-8ECA-BC1CBFDF5713",
"type": "",
"token": "f41fdb5764efad821b2527aeaaf236e29d010771ea5a73ba26044526ec934f1100d8fc6930910ccd634ecc81c0aa7a1b3b721a739f2bac8aa4eedc0d529806d8",
"brand": "VISA",
"country": "US",
"holder": "test",
"bin": 476173,
"last4": "0016",
"is_saved": true,
"expire_month": "12",
"expire_year": "25",
"additional": null,
"bank": "",
"prepaid": null,
"validation_date": "2023-05-24 17:10:03",
"creation_date": "2023-05-24 17:08:37",
"brand_description": null,
"origin": "API",
"cof": {
"is_available": false
"antifraud": null,
"device": null,
"error_details": null
"token": null,
"ip": "",
"reference": null,
"dynamic_descriptor": null,
"threeds_data": null
"client": {
"uuid": "42B8CF56-A7D7-4D4A-8349-4E27263CB2D5"
"extra_data": {
"profile": {
"first_name": "Nombre",
"last_name": "Apellidos",
"email": "",
"phone": {
"number": "600999999",
"prefix": "34"
"validation_hash": "70ffee71c69929565810c4504d47550501a5b0816c1bea7e39e38e67dd414342"