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Integration through Vanilla JavaScript SDK

Through our client-side vanilla JavaScript SDK, you can easily and securely integrate Paylands checkout into your website.

This library is responsible for rendering the user interface and handling the necessary communication with the Paylands platform to execute any type of transaction smoothly.

In order to use the SDK it will be necessary to have previously generated a server-side order in Paylands. This order must contain the uuid of the previously created checkout. For more information on how to generate an order with checkout, see section Integration via API.

1. Include the SDK on your website

Load the client-side script:

<script async src=""></script>

And initialize the SDK providing the token obtained in the payment order generation:

const paylandsCheckout = await PaylandsCheckout.create({token: '9fdade323e7...'});

This will return an instance of PaylandsCheckout that can be used to interact with the SDK.

2. SDK Functions


To redirect the user to the checkout, simply call the redirect function.

await paylandsCheckout.redirect();


To render the checkout in a specific container, call the render function.

await paylandsCheckout.render('renderContainer');
containerRequiredID of the container the checkout will be rendered on

Card form

To render a customizable card form in a specific container, call the card function.

await paylandsCheckout.card({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container the form will be rendered on
form (Object)RequiredConfiguration Form
customization (Object)RequiredCustomization Form
form (Object)
holderLabelOptionalInput label for card holder
holderErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
panLabelOptionalInput label for card Pan
panErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
expiryLabelOptionalInput label for expiration date card
expiryErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
cvvLabelOptionalInput label for CVV card
cvvErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation, the result of which will be sent to the main website in the card_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

How to submit?

Send a pay event with the value card.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "card" }));

Google Pay button

To render a Google Pay button in a specific container, call the google_pay function. The merchant needs to have Google Pay enabled in their Paylands account. For more information, see the Google Pay section.

await paylandsCheckout.google_pay('renderContainer');
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Google Pay button will be rendered

Apple Pay button

To render an Apple Pay button in a specific container, call the apple_pay function. The merchant needs to have Apple Pay enabled in their Paylands account. For more information, see the Apple Pay section.

await paylandsCheckout.apple_pay('renderContainer');
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Apple Pay button will be rendered

PayPal button

To render a PayPal button in a specific container, call the payPal function. It is necessary that the merchant has PayPal enabled in his Paylands account.

await paylandsCheckout.payPal({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the PayPal button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
prefilledAddressOptionalUser address
prefilledCountryOptionalUser country
customization (Object)

Crypto button

To render a Crypto button in a specific container, call the crypto function.

await paylandsCheckout.crypto({
container: 'renderContainer',
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Crypto button will be rendered
customization (Object)RequiredCustomization button
customization (Object)
buttonTextOptionalButton text
fontOptionalText font
primaryColorOptionalButton color
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
borderRadiusOptionalBorder radius color
buttonTextSizeOptionalButton text size

Pix button

To render a Pix button in a specific container, call the pix function.

await paylandsCheckout.pix({
container: 'renderContainer',
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Pix button will be rendered
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
customization (Object)
buttonTextOptionalButton text
fontOptionalText font
primaryColorOptionalButton color
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
borderRadiusOptionalBorder radius color
buttonTextSizeOptionalButton text size

Floa button

To render a Floa button in a specific container, call the floa function.

await paylandsCheckout.floa({
container: 'renderContainer',
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Floa button will be rendered
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
customization (Object)
buttonTextOptionalButton text
fontOptionalText font
primaryColorOptionalButton color
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
borderRadiusOptionalBorder radius color
buttonTextSizeOptionalButton text size

PSE button

To render a PSE button in a specific container, call the pse function.

await paylandsCheckout.pse({
container: 'renderContainer',
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the PSE button will be rendered
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
customization (Object)
buttonTextOptionalButton text
fontOptionalText font
primaryColorOptionalButton color
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
borderRadiusOptionalBorder radius color
buttonTextSizeOptionalButton text size

Spei button

To render a Spei button in a specific container, call the spei function.

await paylandsCheckout.spei({
container: 'renderContainer',
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Spei button will be rendered
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
customization (Object)
buttonTextOptionalButton text
fontOptionalText font
primaryColorOptionalButton color
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
borderRadiusOptionalBorder radius color
buttonTextSizeOptionalButton text size

Multibanco button

To render a Multibanco button in a specific container, call the multibanco function.

await paylandsCheckout.multibanco({
container: 'renderContainer',
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Multibanco button will be rendered
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
customization (Object)
buttonTextOptionalButton text
fontOptionalText font
primaryColorOptionalButton color
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
borderRadiusOptionalBorder radius color
buttonTextSizeOptionalButton text size

Bank transfer button

To render a Transfer button in a specific container, call the transfer function.

await paylandsCheckout.transfer({
container: 'renderContainer',
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Transfer button will be rendered
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
customization (Object)
buttonTextOptionalButton text
fontOptionalText font
primaryColorOptionalButton color
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
borderRadiusOptionalBorder radius color
buttonTextSizeOptionalButton text size

PicPay button

To render a PicPay button in a specific container, call the picpay function.

await paylandsCheckout.picpay({
container: 'renderContainer',
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the PicPay button will be rendered
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
customization (Object)
buttonTextOptionalButton text
fontOptionalText font
primaryColorOptionalButton color
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
borderRadiusOptionalBorder radius color
buttonTextSizeOptionalButton text size

Paysafecard button

To render a Paysafecard button in a specific container, call the paysafecard function.

await paylandsCheckout.paysafecard({
container: 'renderContainer',
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Paysafecard button will be rendered
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
customization (Object)
buttonTextOptionalButton text
fontOptionalText font
primaryColorOptionalButton color
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
borderRadiusOptionalBorder radius color
buttonTextSizeOptionalButton text size

Bizum form

To render a Bizum button in a specific container, call the bizum function.

containerRequiredID of the container on which the Bizum button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
prefixLabelOptionalInput for user prefix of phone number
prefixErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
phoneLabelOptionalInput for user phone number
phoneErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledPrefixOptionalInput for user prefix
prefilledPhoneOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the bizum_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

How to submit?

Send a pay event with the bizum value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "bizum" }));

Cofidis form

To render a Cofidis form in a specific container, call the cofidis function.

await paylandsCheckout.cofidis({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Cofidis button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalInput label user name
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalInput label user last name
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalInput label user email
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the cofidis_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the value cofidis.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "cofidis" }));

Giropay form

To render a Giropay form in a specific container, call the giropay function.

await paylandsCheckout.giropay({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Giropay button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
addressLabelOptionalAddress input label
addressErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
zipCodeLabelOptionalZip code input label
zipCodeErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
cityLabelOptionalCity input label
cityErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
countryLabelOptionalCountry input label
countryErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
prefilledAddressOptionalUser address
prefilledZipCodeOptionalUser zip code
prefilledCityOptionalUser city
prefilledCountryOptionalUser country
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the giropay_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the giropay value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "giropay" }));

Ideal form

To render a Ideal form in a specific container, call the ideal function.

await paylandsCheckout.ideal({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Ideal button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
addressLabelOptionalAddress input label
addressErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
zipCodeLabelOptionalZip code input label
zipCodeErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
cityLabelOptionalCity input label
cityErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
countryLabelOptionalCountry input label
countryErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
prefilledAddressOptionalUser address
prefilledZipCodeOptionalUser zip code
prefilledCityOptionalUser city
prefilledCountryOptionalUser country
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the ideal_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the ideal value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "ideal" }));

Klarna form

To render a Klarna form in a specific container, call the klarna function.

await paylandsCheckout.klarna({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Klarna button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
addressLabelOptionalAddress input label
addressErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
zipCodeLabelOptionalZip code input label
zipCodeErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
cityLabelOptionalCity input label
cityErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
countryLabelOptionalCountry input label
countryErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
prefilledAddressOptionalUser address
prefilledZipCodeOptionalUser zip code
prefilledCityOptionalUser city
prefilledCountryOptionalUser country
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the klarna_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the klarna value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "klarna" }));

MBWay form

To render a MBWay form in a specific container, call the mbway function.

await paylandsCheckout.mbway({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the MBWay button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefixLabelOptionalInput for user prefix of phone number
prefixErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
phoneLabelOptionalInput for user phone number
phoneErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledPrefixOptionalInput for user prefix
prefilledPhoneOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the mbway_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the mbway value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "mbway" }));

Sofort form

To render a Sofort form in a specific container, call the sofort function.

await paylandsCheckout.sofort({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Sofort button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
addressLabelOptionalAddress input label
addressErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
zipCodeLabelOptionalZip code input label
zipCodeErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
cityLabelOptionalCity input label
cityErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
countryLabelOptionalCountry input label
countryErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
prefilledAddressOptionalUser address
prefilledZipCodeOptionalUser zip code
prefilledCityOptionalUser city
prefilledCountryOptionalUser country
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the sofort_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the sofort value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "sofort" }));

Viacash form

To render a Viacash form in a specific container, call the viacash function.

await paylandsCheckout.viacash({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Viacash button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalInput label user name
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalInput label user last name
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalInput label user email
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the viacash_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the viacash value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "viacash" }));

Mach form

To render a Mach form in a specific container, call the mach function.

await paylandsCheckout.mach({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Mach button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalInput label user name
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalInput label user last name
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalInput label user email
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the mach_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the mach value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "mach" }));

Khipu form

To render a Khipu form in a specific container, call the khipu function.

await paylandsCheckout.khipu({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Khipu button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalInput label user name
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalInput label user last name
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalInput label user email
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
phoneLabelOpcionalInput label to user phone
phoneErrorOpcionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the khipu_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the khipu value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "khipu" }));

Klap form

To render a Klap form in a specific container, call the klap function.

It will allow us to render a Klap form on our page.

await paylandsCheckout.klap({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Klap button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalInput label user name
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalInput label user last name
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalInput label user email
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
phoneLabelOpcionalInput label to user phone
phoneErrorOpcionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the klap_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the klap value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "klap" }));

FlowPay form

To render a FlowPay form in a specific container, call the flowpay function.

await paylandsCheckout.flowpay({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the FlowPay button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalInput label user name
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalInput label user last name
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalInput label user email
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
phoneLabelOpcionalInput label to user phone
phoneErrorOpcionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the flowpay_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the flowpay value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "flowpay" }));

Pago Fácil form

To render a Pago Fácil form in a specific container, call the pago_facil function.

await paylandsCheckout.pago_facil({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Pago Fácil button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
addressLabelOptionalAddress input label
addressErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
zipCodeLabelOptionalZip code input label
zipCodeErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
cityLabelOptionalCity input label
cityErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
countryLabelOptionalCountry input label
countryErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
prefilledAddressOptionalUser address
prefilledZipCodeOptionalUser zip code
prefilledCityOptionalUser city
prefilledCountryOptionalUser country
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the pago_facil_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the pago_facil value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "pago_facil" }));

Efecty form

To render a Efecty form in a specific container, call the efecty function.

await paylandsCheckout.efecty({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Efecty button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
addressLabelOptionalAddress input label
addressErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
zipCodeLabelOptionalZip code input label
zipCodeErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
cityLabelOptionalCity input label
cityErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
countryLabelOptionalCountry input label
countryErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
prefilledAddressOptionalUser address
prefilledZipCodeOptionalUser zip code
prefilledCityOptionalUser city
prefilledCountryOptionalUser country
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the efecty_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the efecty value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "efecty" }));

Loterica form

To render a Loterica form in a specific container, call the loterica function.

await paylandsCheckout.loterica({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Loterica button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
prefilledDocumentIdentificationNumberOptionalUser Document Identification Number
documentIdentificationNumberLabelOptionalDocument Identification Number input label
documentIdentificationNumberErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefixLabelOptionalInput for user prefix of phone number
prefixErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
phoneLabelOptionalInput for user phone number
phoneErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledPrefixOptionalInput for user prefix
prefilledPhoneOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the loterica_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the loterica value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "loterica" }));

Boleto form

To render a Boleto form in a specific container, call the boleto function.

await paylandsCheckout.boleto({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Boleto button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
prefilledDocumentIdentificationNumberOptionalUser Document Identification Number
documentIdentificationNumberLabelOptionalDocument Identification Number input label
documentIdentificationNumberErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
zipCodeLabelOptionalZip code input label
zipCodeErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
cityLabelOptionalCity input label
cityErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledZipCodeOptionalUser zip code
prefilledCityOptionalUser city
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the boleto_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the boleto value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "boleto" }));

Servipag form

To render a Servipag form in a specific container, call the servipag function.

await paylandsCheckout.servipag({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Servipag button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the servipag_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the servipag value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "servipag" }));

Webpay form

To render a Webpay form in a specific container, call the webpay function.

await paylandsCheckout.webpay({
container: 'renderContainer',
form: { ... },
customization: { ... }
containerRequiredID of the container on which the Webpay button will be rendered
form (Object)RequiredButton configuration
customization (Object)RequiredButton customization
form (Object)
nameLabelOptionalName input label
nameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
lastNameLabelOptionalLast name input label
lastNameErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
emailLabelOptionalEmail input label
emailErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
addressLabelOptionalAddress input label
addressErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
zipCodeLabelOptionalZip code input label
zipCodeErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
cityLabelOptionalCity input label
cityErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
countryLabelOptionalCountry input label
countryErrorOptionalError to show if value is incorrect
prefilledNameOptionalUser name
prefilledLastNameOptionalUser last name
prefilledEmailOptionalUser email
prefilledAddressOptionalUser address
prefilledZipCodeOptionalUser zip code
prefilledCityOptionalUser city
prefilledCountryOptionalUser country
customization (Object)
fontOptionalText font
textColorOptionalText color
backgroundColorOptionalBackground color
errorColorOptionalError text color
borderColorOptionalInputs color border
borderRadiusOptionalInputs radius border
inputTextSizeOptionalInput text size
labelTextSizeOptionalLabel text size
iconSizeOptionalIcon size
iconColorOptionalIcon color

How to validate the form?

The form has its own validation which it communicates through the webpay_valid event.

window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( === true) {
console.log('El formulario es válido');
if ( === false) {
console.log('El formulario contiene errores');

**How to submit?

Send a pay event with the webpay value.

button.addEventListener("click", () => window.postMessage({ pay: "webpay" }));

3. The customer completes the payment

Once the user completes the payment, an event will be sent on the page itself with one of the following values to be handled by the merchant:

redirectURL to redirect the user with the payment result OK/KO
renderHTML content to render on the page.
This happens because user intervention is required again, usually to complete the 3DS.
errorHTML content with the error occurred.
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
if ( {
window.location.href =;
if ( {
document.getElementById('renderContainer').innerHTML =;
if ( {
document.getElementById('renderContainer').innerHTML =;

Note: This is not necessary if you have used the redirect or render function of the SDK. In this case, the SDK will redirect the client to the corresponding redirect URL according to the result of the operation:

  • If the payment has been made successfully it is redirected to the url specified in the url_ok field of the order.
  • In any other case it redirects to the url specified in the url_ko field of the order.