To configure payment methods in your checkout, enter your checkout details and click on the payment methods tab.

There you will see a list of all available payment methods depending on the payment services your merchant has configured. If you need to enable a payment method for which you do not have a service available, you will need to contact and request its activation.

Note: Some payment methods such as Google Pay, Apple Pay or ClickToPay cannot be configured within this section, as they require a configuration associated to your Paylands merchant. Go to the section on these payment methods to learn how to configure them.
When you mark a payment method as visible, a service will be assigned automatically, although you will be able to modify it in case you have several services for this payment method.

Below you will have a preview of how the checkout will look like depending on the payment methods you have enabled. This is just to check how the checkout will look like, you will not be able to make real payments from this preview.

Click on Save and you have configured your checkout. This configuration can be modified at any time.