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Payment methods in Sandbox

Successful payments in Sandbox must be for an amount of at least 3000

The API supports returning concrete error codes equal to the transaction amount when using the following card: 555555555500024444 12/34 987. More information can be found here.

OK4111111111111111 12/34 123
KO4200000000000000 12/34 123

Error codes

The error codes in Cashflows follow the following structure:

Error category x Identifier code

For example:


The letter indicates the error category:

  • V means validation error.
  • 5]DandR` mean rejection.
  • 5]B` means blocking.
  • 5]C` means that the user himself has cancelled the payment.
  • 5]S` means system error.

The value of x is a Cashflows internal digit that is replaced by a number between 0 and 9. Its value does not change the meaning of the error.

The complete error message has the following form:

Message Code

For example:

Non-specific decline [D101]
Vx01Invalid merchant details
Vx02Invalid expiry date
Vx03Invalid start date
Vx04Invalid issue number
Vx05Invalid CVV
Vx06Invalid card number
Vx07Card holder name not set
Vx08Insufficient address details
Vx09Invalid country code
Vx10Invalid cart ID
Vx11Invalid email address
Vx12Invalid phone number
Vx13Invalid amount
Vx14Invalid currency code
Vx15Invalid customer IP
Vx16Original trans not found
Vx17Invalid merchant IP
Vx18Unknown transaction type
Vx19Card number changed
Vx20Currency changed
Vx21Original trans ref required
Vx22Amount exceeds original
Vx23Cannot refund this type of transaction
Vx24Amount changed
Vx25User account details required
Vx26Invalid request
Vx27Original trans not pre-auth
Vx28Transaction mode changed
Vx29Card/Currency combination not supported
Vx30Unknown card type
Vx31Issue number required
Vx32Issue number not required
Vx33Duplicate transaction
Vx34Unable to void transaction
Vx35Original trans was not authorised
Vx36Invalid PIN
Vx37Unknown transaction class
Vx38Original transaction type does not match
Vx39Card expired
Vx40CVV Required
Vx41Original transaction already settled
Vx42Original transaction already cancelled
Vx43This card does not support the required transaction type
Vx44Transaction details do not match original
Vx523DS Not Enabled
Vx533DS Data Invalid
Vx54Concurrent authorisations
Vx55Invalid Funds Recipient Date (MCC 6012, 6051 or 7299 Merchants)
Vx56Terminal mismatch
Vx57Transaction not allowed on this card
Vx58Original transaction requires 3DS attempt/auth
Vx59ECOM transactions require 3DS attempt/auth
Vx60Verify for Amex card not supported
Vx61Recurrence Flag usage invalid
Vx62Initial Sale/Verify ARN missing for subsequent sale
Vx63Initial Sale/Verify for subsequent sale not approved
Vx64Initial transaction on card expired
Dx01Non-specific decline
Dx02Declined due to funds (insufficient/limit exceeded)
Dx03Retain card response
Dx05On our blacklist
Dx07Live/test mismatch
Dx08Refund: Insufficient merchant funds in account
Dx10Card authorisation attempt limit reached
Dx11Monthly Scheme Decline Rate limit reached
Dx40Continuous Authority cancelled for the transaction
Dx41Continuous Authorities cancelled for the merchant
Dx43Continuous Authorities cancelled for the card
Dx44Function not supported
Dx45Incorrect CVV
Dx46Incorrect Start Date
Dx48Invalid Currency Code
Dx47Card Number Changed
Dx90Pre-authorisation anti-fraud block
Dx91Post-authorisation anti-fraud block
Ex01Transaction error
Cx01Transaction cancelled
Cx02Transaction expired
Sx00Invalid transaction request
Sx01Connection failure
Sx02Invalid response
Sx03Response timeout
Sx04Server error
Sx05Server error
Sx06No response from issuer
Sx07Service not available
Sx99Unknown Error