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Paylands provides a sandbox integration environment, which allows the merchant to integrate different operations. Below are the test cards that can be used:

3DS payment OK4761739000091011
3DS payment KO5150796024238164
Non-3DS payment OK5590337536718399
Non-3DS payment + SCA5223798193659108
Non-3DS payment KO5590337536718399

The CVV will always be 123 and it is recommended to use 12/34 as expiration date. In the case of indicating another date, it must be after the current date and following the mm/yy format. The cardholder field is indifferent, so you can enter any value you wish.

In the case of an unsecured payment, following the entry of PSD2, the issuing bank may require user intervention, known as Strong Customer Authentication (SCA), causing a soft decline in the transaction. This means that the user must be redirected to 3DS to finalize the payment. The response from the direct payment endpoint in this case will return an http 303 code and in the body of the response will contain a url to which the merchant must redirect the user to finalize the transaction via 3DS.

The new versions of 3DS v2 require intermediate steps that Paylands performs automatically, so the merchant only has to take into account the previous cards to be able to test the different types of payment with the desired status (SUCCESS/REFUSED).

However, if desired, test cards are also provided to simulate any of the intermediate steps in the process of collecting a transaction.

3DS v1.0

Cards with 3DS v1 are those that were either issued prior to the entry of PSD2, or those where the bank has not configured them to support the new 3DS v2 flows. In these cases, Paylands redirects the user to their bank's 3DS v1.0 to finalize the transaction.

v1.0 OK5245172944073155 12/34 123
v1.0 KO (MSP)4024007196210529 12/34 123
v1.0 KO (Init3DS)5514214341183643 12/34 123
v1.0 KO (AuthV1)5182246146680010 12/34 123

3DS v2.2 Frictionless

The Frictionless payment flow consists of redirecting the user to 3DS, but where the issuing bank (or, in this case, the simulator) decides that it is not necessary for the user to intervene, causing the transaction to end automatically with a status of SUCCESS or REFUSED.

Frictionless OK5590337536718399 12/34 123
Frictionless KO (MSP)5503460708601080 12/34 123
Frictionless KO (Init3DS)5584518933010195 12/34 123
Frictionless KO (AuthV2)5342125074190670 12/34 123

3DS v2.2 Challenge Only

The challenge only flow consists of redirecting to the 3DS, which can give three responses, depending on the user's choice: SUCCESS (OK), ATTEMPT (KO) or REFUSED (KO). The ATTEMPT status is used to simulate an error in the connection process with the issuing bank, such as when the user's bank does not have the 3DS available.

Only Challenge OK4548817212493017 12/34 123
Only Challenge KO (MSP)5404154444859348 12/34 123
Only Challenge KO (Init3DS)4024007114039562 12/34 123
Only Challenge KO (AuthV2)4916393928615990 12/34 123

3DS Version v2.2 Fingerprinting

The Fingerprinting flow consists of capturing, in an intermediate screen of the payment flow, the data of the device where the payment is being made. The user will not have to perform any action, since this screen will automatically capture the data from the device and, once collected, will redirect to the 3DS to finish the operation.

Fingerprinting OK4761739001010010 12/34 123
Fingerprinting KO (MSP)5110753687112003 12/34 123
Fingerprinting KO (Init3DS)4414095707030385 12/34 123
Fingerprinting KO (AuthV2)4929745158405456 12/34 123

| 3DS v1.0 Fallback

The v1 Fallback flow consists of 3DS v2 cards that do not support payment with their default version so the 3DS must be processed using version 1.0. In these cases, Paylands automatically redirects to the version 1.0 3DS and can finalize the operation with any of the usual states (SUCCESS (OK), ATTEMPT (KO) or REFUSED (KO)).

Fallback OK4761340000000035 12/34 123
Fallback KO (MSP)5278269366564578 12/34 123
Fallback KO (Init3DS)5407659329489182 12/34 123
Fallback KO (AuthV2)5167407669858305 12/34 123

3DS Version v2.2 Full flow

The Full flow payment flow consists of cards accepting 3DS v2.2 where the payment flow goes through all intermediate states until it ends. Initially fingerprinting is applied and then redirected to 3DS where any of the responses SUCCESS (OK), ATTEMPT (KO) or REFUSED (KO) can be selected.

Full flow OK4761739000091011 12/34 123
Full flow KO (MSP)4716280783940260 12/34 123
Full flow KO (Init3DS)5203615481177227 12/34 123
Full flow KO (AuthV2)5150796024238164 12/34 123

For these cards simulating the intermediate steps, it is shown below where in the flow the operation is rejected depending on the type of card.

  • MSP: means that the process has reached the 3DS but the authentication has been rejected.
  • Init3DS: means that the 3DS process has not been initialized.
  • AuthV1 or AuthV2: means that the 3DS process has initialized, but the redirection to the secure payment could not be performed.


In the case of the Bizum transaction there are two numbers that simulate a correct and an incorrect payment. If a number other than these two is used, the transaction will be rejected with an error indicating that the phone number is incorrect.

ResultPhone number
Payment OK+34 700 00 00 00
Payment KO+34 900 00 00 00