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Payment methods in Sandbox

Successful payments in Sandbox must be for an amount of at least 3000

The API supports returning concrete error codes equal to the amount of the transaction when using the following card: 555555555500024444 12/34 987. More information can be found here.

OK41111111111111111111 12/34 123
KO42000000000000000000 12/34 123

Error codes

The structure of the error message contains only its error code:

40000General input error
40110Invalid card number
40111Unsupported card scheme
40120Invalid CSC
40130Invalid expire date
40135Card expired
40140Invalid currency
40150Invalid text on statement
40190Invalid transaction
40200Clearhaus rule violation
403003-D Secure problem
403103-D Secure authentication failure
40400Backend problem
40410Declined by issuer or card scheme
40411Card restricted
40412Card lost or stolen
40413Insufficient funds
40414Suspected fraud
40415Amount limit exceeded
40416Additional authentication required
40420Merchant blocked by cardholder
50000Clearhaus error